Friday, January 21, 2011

i was like " hello!"

i went to the park alone near my house yesterday.frankly,i used to be at the park by 5.30 p.m alone.not because i have no friends but i feel more comfortable when there is no one pushing you to jog.because obviously i prefer walking than daddy sent me there by his silver small cute car called Viva(i just lovee it).
"dad,you can pick me up at 6.30 p.m"(which i think an hour will enough for me to walk for 3 km.ahhaa.)
i just saw many people.boys andd girls andd grandmas andd not to forget grandpas.okayy.i started to walk andd walk untill i met a woman which is best to call a grandma.i smiled at her.and actually i just love to smile.but unfortunately,there are two boys behind the grandma who smiled at me and i was like "hello.its obviously and im pretty sure that its not for you guys".
okayy.stay calm and continue walking happily like i am the only girl not in the world but at the park.
i walked and shit!that two hell boys smiled at me like a crazy man that just got back from Tanjung Rambutan.
and for the second time i was like "why the hell are you smiling at me?hello!there are many girls at this park.and im not the only beautiful girl here.ahhha"
then one of those boys came nearly to me and said,"manis la awak senyum."
and i replied "so what dude?" "you want more?"
that is not the end."hai adik maniss"
ewww!like wtf.

bacalah.walaupun kau tidak setuju.walaupun kau tahu ceritanya

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